Daily Archives: June 12, 2013

Not quite Summer in full swing.

The days are becoming humid with temperatures in the mid to low 80s. It’s just about Summer here in the Mid-Atlantic states.

The spiderworts (Trandescantia) are finishing their Spring bloom cycles but are developing fungal leaf spot, which they always do when the humidity is high. That’s ok. They tend to fall over after the blooming season and look best when cut back to the ground.


After only a few days I grew tired of all the leaning Rose-of-Sharons from tropical storm Andrea so they all were trimmed back to about knee high. They will shoot back up about three to four feet by Fall. They will just bloom later than normal.


The hydrangeas along the drive are beautiful, as always! They all were cuttings from one plant which I found behind the old shed when I purchased the house ten years ago.


While walking around the JC Raulston Arboretum at North Carolina State University we saw a beautiful fox! He wouldn’t sit still long enough for a good picture and I only captured the below picture of him running away down a path.


That’s ok. The perennial border looks wonderful as we have had tons of rain! The dahlias are blooming now with the lilies budding out for their next show!


I am just waiting for the vegetable garden to begin producing some veggies for some fresh and new recipes!


Filed under General Gardening