Heat and humidity makes a productive vegetable garden.

The temperatures are in the 90s everyday now and the humidity must be about 100%. Everything is growing fast!

The herbs such as basil, fennel, and sage are producing many leaves!

They make a wonderful quick pizza.

It’s way too hot for most yard work. I has a list of things to do in the garden today but it was 85f at 7:30 am!

So off to coffee …

  I will sit in the cool and air conditioned Cup-A-Joe coffee shop enjoying my iced double mocha and read the paper or surf the net.

It is Father’s Day here in the USA so I will leave you with a pick taken some time in the 70s!



Filed under General Gardening

13 responses to “Heat and humidity makes a productive vegetable garden.

  1. It is Fathers Day in Canada too….but in PEI the gardening is off to a slow start. It has been in the high 50’s this week with frost warnings one night. Here you only plant AFTER the NEW MOON OF JUNE! now I know why!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh I am so jealous, heat and humidity the perfect combination, it’s been hot here too and my plants are growing but of course nothing like yours, you lucky man


  3. When I saw your garden photo, my first thought was I wonder what he is going to cook. We are enjoying the same heat, but this year we have rain.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yep, very short spring. A blip really. It went from cold straight to hot. Very challenging.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hope you had a wonderful Father’s Day! That coffee and pizza both look delightful!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. If you’re a tomato, a pepper, or an eggplant, nothing’s better than hot and humid.

    Liked by 1 person

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